Join Us as a Neighborhood Coordinator (NC)
Interested in making a big difference in your community with a small time commitment? As an NC, you’ll manage a group of food donors in your neighborhood, collecting food donations every two months. Here’s what you need to know:
What Does an NC Do?
As an NC, you will “activate” your neighborhood by recruiting 8-12 neighbors to join your neighborhood group. You’ll collect their e-mails and provide them with reusable green bags to fill with non-perishable food items over two months. On the pick-up weeks, you’ll collect the filled bags and deliver them to the A-TCAA Food Bank in Jamestown. Don’t worry about reminders – we’ll send out emails to donors about the pickup dates and any special food items needed.
How Much Time Will It Take?
Being an NC takes just a few hours every other month. However, establishing your neighborhood might require a bit more time initially.
What Happens on Pickup Day?
Pickup Day, the Monday of the second week of even months, is when bags are collected from the front doors of donors. You will then drop off the bags at your convenience at A-TCAA between 8am-3pm, Tuesday-Thursday of the same week, where you’ll also get replacement bags.
Join us as an NC and help us make a difference in our community, one can at a time!